TEDxYouth “Perception” 2024

At our all-day TEDx Youth event, which was held for the fourth time at ALKEV High School in 2024, our invited speakers and students delivered interesting TED talks and performances on the theme of “Perception” along with their personal stories. Thanks to our inspiring speakers and dedicated volunteer students, who left a lasting impression on everyone attending the event with their memorable talks and performances, we experienced an unforgettable day.

TOK (Theory of Knowledge) Exhibition 2024

ALKEV Private Anatolian High School IB Diploma Program 11th grade students’ TOK Exhibition was held on Friday, April 26th. Theory of Knowledge is a course that focuses on questioning and inducing questions such as “Why and how do we acquire knowledge?” and “For what purpose and how should we use knowledge?” The aim is for students to develop a more conscious learner profile.

Our students chose one of the 35 different knowledge questions prepared by the IB, such as “Are some types of knowledge more useful than others?” “Can new knowledge change established values or beliefs?” “To what extent is it ethical to obtain certain knowledge?” They then concretized this abstract question by associating it with their own learning experiences and expressing their short comments in English on three objects they found themselves.

We thank our students who carefully conducted this study and our teachers who contributed.

TOK (Theory of Knowledge) Exhibition Video

LSEMUN Conference 2024

ALKEV Private School students experienced the joy of participating in and returning with an award from LSEMUN2024, held between March 15-17 in London. This special event adds yet another success to our students’ achievements on the international platform. Our students not only participated as delegates in the committees but also enriched their experiences by joining the cultural tours.

IBDP, University Applications Abroad and DSD 2 Presentations 2023

ALKEV High School provided comprehensive information to parents and students in informative presentations on the International Baccalaureate Diploma Program (IBDP), university applications abroad, and the DSD 2 language proficiency diploma required for German language proficiency, assisting students in shaping their futures. The presentations covered the general structure, course content, and advantages of IBDP in detail, provided guidance on international university applications and admission requirements, and discussed the content and preparation process for the DSD 2 diploma for German language proficiency.

Watch the video.

High School Cambridge Exams Certificate Ceremony 2023

At ALKEV High School, the annual Cambridge Exams Certificate Ceremony was held in an ambiance filled with enthusiasm and respect. The school’s conference hall served as the gathering point where students and educators came together to celebrate the unwavering commitment, diligence, and scholarly excellence of the accomplished students. The event was a heartfelt recognition of the students’ successful navigation through the challenging Cambridge examinations, marking not only the end of an academic chapter but also the beginning of numerous future opportunities and learning adventures.

World Language Day 2023

At ALKEV High School, the English Department ardently commemorated World Language Day, manifesting a lively and enriching celebration that echoed the global chorus of linguistic diversity. Students immersed themselves in a world where every word resonates with history, culture, and the unique melody of human expression. The celebration not only enhanced linguistic appreciation and understanding but also solidified ALKEV High School English Department’s unwavering commitment to fostering globally-minded and culturally adept individuals.

Model United Nations Club Workshops 2023

ALKEV MUN Club students presented their diplomatic views on historical or current political issues by taking on the roles of United Nations delegates in fictional workshops that lasted throughout the year.






The fifteenth ‘SKILLSTREAM DAY’ event was held on May 9, 2023 by the English Department at ALKEV High School. The aim of this event was to share and raise awareness of “Sustainable Development Goals”.

Another Award from Our Robotics Team 2023

ALKEV Private High School Robotics Team #6459 AG Robotik represented our school proudly in the FRC 2023 Istanbul Regional competition which they attended in Istanbul. They won the Industrial Design Award, one of the machine, creativity, and innovation awards, which demonstrates industrial design principles and striking a balance between form, function, and aesthetics.


RomeMun 2023 Conference

Our students participated in the RomeMun2023 Conference in Rome with the role of delegates by representing different countries. They discussed critical issues and shared their radical solutions for various global issues, financial problems, inequality and violence towards women. Two of the papers won “The Best Position Paper” Award among numerous countries. We congratulate all of our students for their devotion and unique performance.


Certificate Ceremony 2022

On September 26, European Day of Languages was celebrated by the Foreign Languages ​​Department of ALKEV Anatolian and Science High School. Events were held for all grade levels and DSD 1 Language Diplomas, Cambridge ESOL Certificates are presented our attendees.

TEDxYouth “Persona” 2022

At our all-day TEDx event, which was held for the third time at ALKEV High School, our invited speakers and students delivered interesting TED talks and performances on the theme of “Persona” along with their personal stories.

We are grateful to all performers and speakers as well as our student volunteers, who worked hard to make it an unforgettable experience for both the audience and the school community.